Through a Mongolian church, we will create a home where manhole children and children facing various crises can live with peace of mind and receive life training aimed at becoming independent in the future.
Our six phase vision

Rescue children facing various crisis, such as homelessness, abuse and trafficking, and provide them a safe shelter.
Restore children who have been mentally and physically hurt, and provide trainings that help them to cope with social environment, including public schooling.
Educate children so that they can receive primary education.
Support children and parents to become self-sustaining.
Prevent children from becoming victims of various social problems, including alcohol addiction of their parents, through awareness campaigns and providing necessary care.
Long-term vision is to 1) create a movement through Mongolian churches to support children facing crisis; 2) expanding this movement to other nations using this project as a case study.
Project plan

Build our first home, and establish a local management structure (completed)
Purchase a new facility, expand our scope of work, provide mental and spiritual care for the children, provide education, provide accommodation for parents and vocational training to aid them to be financially independent, promote awareness campaigns to prevent alcohol abuse, etc.
Continue expanding the project, prepare a proposal to make the local management body to be financially independent, undertake renovation and expansion of the building when necessary, invite guests from Japan to increase awareness
Pursuing the holistic approach through " Proverb 31 Project " : single mothers' spiritual and vocational training), "Hope & Future" :Ministries for homeless youth, " Blessed Family" : Alcoholic Recovery Program
Local management to become independent
Our activities
1. Support for building the group home (Mongol Kids’ Home) thru the local church
2. Nurturing the volunteers and staff who are related with child-rearing and education
3. Publication of newsletters, public relations activities thru Internet and various conferences
4. Fundraising activities (including facility acquisition, equipment investment, welfare assistance, education support, facilities operating expenses)
5. Promote the 1000-people-prayer-chain, 'Dream Together 1000'
(Updated to "Dream Together 2000" since 2019)

Future Possibilities
In a group home, a motherly figure will provide training so that the children can prepare meals by themselves, and also do other basic chores such as cleaning and washing. In addition, from time to time, we will invite professionals from outside, who can give special lectures, teach music and art, and computer skills. By providing educational opportunities based on the interest of each student, not only that we can train them with basic living skills, but also we can grow their gifts and help them to become independent. Moreover, if they can feel the blessings of God by growing vegetables and fruits, they will be able to enjoy their lives more abundantly.
It will also be a great encouragement for the children if we can send short or mid or long-term volunteers from overseas. It would be very good if we can provide opportunities to learn new skills through fellowship with the volunteers from countries such as Japan and Korea.
The Activities of the Local Church
The main carrier of this project is the local churches. This is the most important thing to recognize. It is only when the Mongolian churches begin to respond as a mission that is given from God, that we can establish this project as a self-sustaining ministry. The people in overseas will do what they can do, providing prayers, encouragements and supports from the side. Our mission is to establish and support a project that the local churches themselves can push forward.
Locally, the vision of this project is currently shared with Pastor Ganna of The Glory of the Lord Community Church, who is a pastor of Onnuri Community Church, Mongolian Ministry in Korea. This church is currently led by Pastor David NamSly; all of the leaders of this church are supportive for this project, and they have expressed their commitments to do whatever they can. Since this church currently has only 70 members, we need to think of what this church can do with its current resources to initiate the project. We believe that more and more other Mongolian churches will join this project in the future.

The Activities of the Local Church
The main carrier of this project is the local churches. This is the most important thing to recognize. It is only when the Mongolian churches begin to respond as a mission that is given from God, that we can establish this project as a self-sustaining ministry. The people in overseas will do what they can do, providing prayers, encouragements and supports from the side. Our mission is to establish and support a project that the local churches themselves can push forward.
Locally, the vision of this project is currently shared with Pastor Ganna of The Glory of the Lord Community Church, who is a pastor of Onnuri Community Church, Mongolian Ministry in Korea. This church is currently led by Pastor David NamSly; all of the leaders of this church are supportive for this project, and they have expressed their commitments to do whatever they can. Since this church currently has only 70 members, we need to think of what this church can do with its current resources to initiate the project. We believe that more and more other Mongolian churches will join this project in the future.