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Report on Mongolia

June 2022

Visiting Report to Mongol Kids' Home

Shinichi Takahashi (MKH Adviser)

During my two-week stay in Mongolia, I visited MKH for the first time in two years and nine months. The grown up children, nice to meet you children, everyone was fine. I handed out a gift that I just felt. In both Japanese and English, as soon as I heard it, I imitated it and repeated "Hello", "thank you". It entertained me. I prayed for the blessings of my children.


It was my first time to meet the new staff directly since the new system was introduced, but I was grateful that I could feel that the atmosphere was much better than before. I felt a sense of security after interacting with Master Tsundere, Master Gantrag, and Sister Oyuna.

I also spoke with a mother who is a single mother.

A 6- and 8-year-old girl and her mother thanked MKH for having a home and life. She was a Christian mother.


As a building necessity, I also observed that the plumbing for Pearl (central heating) was under construction.


He sincerely appreciated the love and support of many people, including Japan.

November 2021

Mongolian Kids House 3rd Anniversary

Dear friends, 

Thank you for encouraging Mongol Kids’ Home!  We are celebrating the 3rd Anniversary this year. During the past 3 years, we got a facility auctioned at a very cheap price, repaired rooms for our purposes, and accommodated more than 25 children and 8 single mothers who do not have homes. Recently 4 mothers and their kids became independent and living in their own Ger. This year 3 children who did not have ID got their own IDs and now entered the elementary school. We also provide after school care for them. We also replaced the gate and the fence with much more safe ones. We asked kids what they want to be in future.  Their replies are policeman to catch bad people, a doctor who can help sick people, a teacher at school, a shop keeper and a warm family. We would like to help them fulfill their dreams in the future.  Please join this vision! (Responsibility Eiko Takamizawa)


July 2021

Mongolia local activity report

The COVID-19 situation is still going on. Meanwhile, some new teachers have joined and creative activities are taking place. A library corner has also been set up, and there are also donated Japanese books.

June 1st was Mongolian Children's Day, so had a small celebration. For the friends who couldn't come to Mongolia Kids' Home, so we visited their homes and sent our congratulations. Please pray for the full opening soon.


May 2021

Mongolia local activity report

The home has a large courtyard for children to play. The ground is scooped out along the fence, and it is dangerous to approach. Currently, Mr. Gantrag, the facility manager, and two guards are working on the maintenance by adding soil. By the time the lockdown is over, we are doing our best to create a safe courtyard and place playground equipment so that the children can enjoy themselves when they return.

Apr. 2021

Activity report from Mongolia


One of the single mothers who are living in Mongol Kids' Home just had a boy baby. He is the first child born in Mongol Kids’ Home. It was a very difficult delivery, but both the mother and the baby are doing well. Please do pray for God’s protection over them.

(We are sharing this with a permission from the mother.)


Jan. 2021

Activity report from Mongolia


On December 19-20, we were able to provide meals to 98 homeless people who live in manholes and garbage field. We have been facing various limitations due to COVID, but with the help of certain people, we were able to deliver the love of God. The people who received the meals were very grateful. We gave thanks to God for giving this opportunity to serve. The staff members of Mongol Kids’ Home participated in this project with great dedication. 

The most difficult part of this project was finding the right location. The government does not allow a large group of people to gather, so rather than inviting the people to come, we went to meet in their place. The temperature was minus 30 celsius. 

December 1, 2020

Report on Mongolia


In Mongolia, community-acquired infections occurred in 7 places, and it became a lockdown. This time, the members of the Lord's Glory Church collected donations to support MKH children.

Please pray for MKH.

Mongol Kids' Home Activity Report No.2

May 14~June 1, 2020


Although most of the activities are put on hold due to corona, we were still able to visit the children’s houses. The children were so happy to see their teachers despite the difficult environment. They are really looking forward to returning to our house. 

We also talked about reopening. We discussed about safety protocols including making children wear masks. We also discussed about making repairs to the playground, as after the demolition of the old building, the playground has been cluttered with construction materials.

Thus, we have been cleaning up the playground. For two days on May 29 and 30, we visited the children. There were some that we couldn’t not meet but we are looking forward to meeting them soon.


Prayer topics;

Pray that we would be able to contact all of our children 

Pray for the cleaning process on the play ground 

Pray for good team work 


Thank you for your continuous prayers.

Mongol Kids' Home Activity Report No.1

April 27~May 13, 2020

Gantulga was appointed as the local manager on April 27, 2020. He met all the workers Nyamaa, Sunjee, and Oyuna to get to know more about the condition of facility and brief introduction of the work. These photos resemble the situation of the facility at time of first visit and meeting.

These photos show the back of our facility which means another person’s land. We had to fill it out in order to prevent water running into the facility. The owner of the land is happy that we made it clean for them.

May 24, 2020

The current situation of Mongol Kids' Home is stated in the Newsletter 2020 Spring. Link

August 18, 2019

The members at Glory of the Lord church in UB gathered at Mongol Kids Home and prayed for this project in one heart. We just received the pictures from the worship service and the BBQ that they had after the service. You can see Boldo and his mother and his nephew in the picture. You can also see the security guard / wood worker (who is non-Christian). Thank you so much for your prayers. We just cannot wait for the day when the Gel district will hear the sound of praise lifted up in the blue sky! Below is the comment from our ambassador Aoyagi.


I was so touched by this picture — the altar of God is built in the Gel district and people are praising God! I pray that one day God will save many souls from this district. I’m just thankful to see God's people gathering around one table under the blue sky. I shudder at the vision of all people, including children and woman working together to rebuild the temple walls. “Lord, I am weak and lacking in many things, but here I am.”​

Posted on Aug 15、2019

Eiko, Izumi & Tomoko Aoyagi (Goodwill Ambassadors) and Yasuko Osara (Regional Coordinator) together with Pastor Gana visited UlaanBaataar July 12-17th, 2019. 


By Eiko Takamizawa

We could accomplish many things within just 6days. 
One of the highlights was to meet Boldoo.  The change of his family was so encouraging. Boldoo's mother came to Sunday service and she put her hand on her chest throughout the service and focusing on God.  I wish she will be baptized soon. To see Boldoo's neighbors becoming interested in Church was also very encouraging.  As a matter of fact some of them joined the service the following day!  
We visited Dasha that night and had a mini worship in his house. Two families joined the service together and enjoyed our fellowship together over lunch. 

The second highlight was to visit our new facility. This building is just good for our project with three story-building. The third floor is good for our children's ministry with nice view through the windows. We need to repair roof and windows and fenses for security. The second building had 10 small rooms in two floors and just good for single mother and children's dormitory. This section is so old and need a lot of repair. We need to repair roofs and set the electricity and heating system before the end of September. If we can renovate these buildings, we can increase the number of the chilren and single mothers who need shelters. 
Many names who need shelter and help are registered in the regional offices, and we hope to double the number of children in the new building. 

We had a staff meeting and shared our prayer concerns and future plans together and prayed to God. 
This time our souvenirs were musical instruments for children. This is to wish these children someday become praise leaders in churches! We thank God for those dedicated their money and efforts for this to happen. 

It was summer holiday that we visited. So our kids' home were not held in the facility. So we visited children's homes (if we can call so).  It was a heartbraking experience for us to see such a difficult condition children and their caretaker were living!  I felt an urgency and importance of our ministry for these children. 

Teachers and supporters, both discussed what should be done to help each children. We also discussed about the way the Mongolian team plan to be independent in near future. There were at times very critical comment on the products for Japanese trading. Pastor Namslai was willing to pursue higher quality for better trading with Korea and Japan. 

I was very blessed to see dedicated, full of wisdom and humility among the members from Mongolia and Japan! 

By Izumi Aoyagi and Tomoko


Mongolia Report ①

With lots of prayers and encouragement from God's family and the love of Christ, we left home and arrived safely at Ulaanbaatar 12 hours later. At the airport, Pastor Namsurai and his wife, Pastor Tunde, and Brother Boldoo of the Lord's Glory Church welcomed us with smiles. Two cars to the guest house (Christian) who will be indebted this time! There was kindness and peace that healed the tired body and mind after traveling 3200 kilometers.

Mongolia Report ②

Mr. Gana, who returned from Korea by early morning flight, rushed over and took me to the Mongolian festival Naadam. A lot of ger and a lot of people suddenly in the prairie in heavy traffic. Even for the first challenge! In the evening, across some grasslands, to Boldoo's house. A happy reunion with my mother and Boldoo treated me to a stone-grilled goat! I have many friends from my neighborhood ger. This brightness even after 8:30 pm. After a pleasant fellowship with the Mongolian people, it was past 10:00 pm when I visited the ger in Dasha. (Dasha is away from work until morning) On the way home, holding my hand on the steep slope, I heard a prayer, "God, may Dasha's family be released from this kind of life as soon as possible..." We arrived at the guest house late at night, and it was another busy day. Encouraged by the prayer behind!


Mongolia Report ③

"Your beginning is small, but your end will be great." Humility precedes honor."

A couple I will never forget while participating in this project! Mr. and Mrs. who provided Mongol Kids' Home free of charge for about a year! A green house in the ger district on the outskirts of Ulaanbaatar! It was not just a matter of renting a corner of the house, but a year in which I was able to come into contact with the great love and gentle and sincere personality of the couple. I put my hands on the outer wall of the first kids' home and offered a prayer of sincere gratitude to God for allowing me to meet this wonderful couple. "Lord, never forget your first love..."

One of the purposes of my visit to Mongolia this time was to see the new property of Mongol Kids' Home given by God, and to interact with the local staff who are responsible for the precious work there. There were three buildings on land of about 250 tsubo in the ger district about 7 km from the center of Ulaanbaatar. Formerly a store and 10 apartments. The move has already been completed, and the repairs have begun little by little. We had a staff meeting and prayer time. “There are times when I get tired and disappointed with the swear words and harsh words, but when I remember that there are many people praying for us behind my back, I get strength again. I'm so happy! I hope that the children will be able to praise God in the future! I was once again taught that it is more important to humbly approach the current situation in Mongolia rather than relying on my Japanese common sense and standards. Tomorrow, I will visit the children and their families who are temporarily home for the summer vacation. I pray that you will give me the heart to serve the people of Mongolia. Please continue your prayers.


Mongolia report o the final day

This mission to Mongolia, protected and supported by the encouragement and prayers of my beloved brothers and sisters, will soon reach its goal. On the last morning in Ulaanbaatar (taken at 5:20), I saw a rainbow from the guest house. A few weeks ago, I remembered a talk by Dr. Tom from Israel. In the Old Testament, rain is a manifestation of God's blessing! Only one place is written as a curse, but it is Noah's... but the rainbow is a blessing!(Genesis 9:12-17) Now, when I was in transit at Incheon Airport and was looking for a late lunch, I went to this restaurant! I thanked God for guiding me. The second half of the verse says, "That you may proclaim the wonderful works of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light." I give all glory to the Lord.